Hi I’m looking to buy 5L of Bollom intumescent paint for a steel beam , are you able to give me an appropriate certificate for me to fill in for this, Thanks Alan 07721085874
After application of a Bollom system you can apply for certification using the link here.
If you require assistance with a specification for the steel, please send the information below to [email protected].
- Level of fire protection required (i.e. 30, 60, 90min, etc.)
- Each steel section dimension (i.e. 254x146x37 UB)
- Quantity and length of each section (or overall meterage for each section)
- Orientation (horizontal or vertical)
- Number of sides to be painted (all sides, 3 sides, 1 flange, etc.)
- Structural Steel Design Code (i.e. EuroCode, BS5950, BS476; Part 21, etc.)
- Building type (i.e. office, domestic, storage, etc.)
- Environment (internal, external, car park, chemical exposure, etc.)
- Application on site or in shop"