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The stage in our local village hall is of boarded timber and usually has a carpet covering it to deaden sound during dramatic performances but the groups which use the stage for dance need a bare surface but this brings a risk of proud nail heads and splinters. We think that the solution is to knock down the nails, sand the surface clean and level and finish with a paint. We may also decide to overlay with sheets of thin ply to create a smoother surface finish. A vinyl overlay is not practical because scenery is screwed into the stage and this will simply lift or run up the screws when fixed and the damage will be noticeable. Varnish is thought to be too thin and probably not durable so what I had in mind is a thicker epoxy type finish in colour. This should be hardwearing, non-slip and preferably reasonably tap proof. Does the group produce anything which would do the trick?

Thank you for the enquiry, please can we ask for some pictures of the stage areas be sent to [email protected] so we can assist with a specification.