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What is insulating paint and does it work?

Insulation paint, or thermal paint, creates a vacuum layer that deters heat or cold from travelling through your walls. This can be in a powdered form where tiny hollow beads (hollow ceramic microspheres to be specific) reduce the speed of heat transfer by trapping air – the same concept of any insulation.

It is a hotly debated topic, as there is no real way of measuring the effects of this – at least comparing it - and when it gets to saving money, people want numbers.

Manufacturers in the United States made the arguable error of mentioning NASA’s involvement in the testing of thermal insulation paint. Whilst this appears to have been the case, “NASA approved” or “NASA tested” is a tagline all too readily used by varying products in numerous markets and often without foundation.   

There is no doubting that some thermal paints can reduce dramatic heat transfer by repelling UV rays hitting the front of a home or ensuring that water permeates the exterior.

In short, insulating paint does not claim to be a suitable replacement for traditional insulation, but it is certainly beneficial.