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Good Morning.Can you please advise. We are applying Jotun penguatd red primer to a exterior marine float. Top coat is Hardtop CA red. Can you advise which tie coat for below water line. And tie coat for above if required or can topcoat be applied directly over primer above the waterline. Kind regards Mark Murphy Bootle Marine Limited

If you require a tie coat for anti-fouling below the waterline then we would recommend Jotun Vinyguard Silvergrey 88 as a tie coat, applying a minimum of 3 brush coats before the anti-fouling. If no anti-fouling is required then you would apply 3 coats of Jotun Jotamastic 90, again 3 brush coats which would then be left as a finish. Above the waterline we would recommend 2 coats of Jotun Jotamastic 90 be applied before your finish coat of Jotun Hardtop CA.