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Hi, I am looking to paint a large approx 100m square floor space. It is a tongue and groove chipboard subfloor. I would go to lengths to secure the boards so there is no movement in the board seams and fill and sand the floor. Ideally I want this to look flat, smooth and grey, preferably not too glossy. What products would be appropriate? High build/self levelling comes to mind? Thanks Henry

Surface Preparation

The substrate shall be prepared by industrial floor cleaning and degreasing as well as mechanical means which is suitable to remove all contaminants and weakness to give a clean, sound load-bearing surface.


Prime all areas with Remmers Epoxy FAS 100 by roller to seal the surface.

Butted joints are best scratched out with Remmers Epoxy MT 100 mixed with Remmers Add TX and applied like a paste and scraped into the joints and over any screw fixings.

We would then recommend a thin layer (approx. 1mm thick) of Remmers PUR Indu Color N over all areas. The purpose is to try and remove any edges and level out the surface before the 2mm Remmers PUR Indu Color N is applied.

Self Smoothing Body Coat

The primed surface is overlaid with Remmers PUR Indu Color N filled with Remmers Quartz 01/03 at 1:0.5 as flow system to the desired thickness. Apply by trowel and spike roller in two directions to release air and give a smooth surface.

Seal Coats for UV stability, scuff, scratch and slip resistance

Seal the surface in the desired finish with 1 coat of Remmers PUR Aqua Color Top 2K M and 1 clear coat of Remmers PUR Aqua Top 2K M Plus.