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    Webercem Advanced Precision Grout | Rawlins Paints

    Weber Webercem Advanced Precision Grout


    Webercem Advanced Precision Grout is a single component shrinkage compensated flowable precision grout, developed for applications where good flow and strength is required. Applicable by pump, pouring, trowelling or dry packing. Ideal for static loads. Webercem Advanced Precision Grout is shown to be effectively non-shrink by Early Volume Change of Cementitious Mixtures which, unlike other methods, measures expansion or shrinkage from time of placing.

    Uses include:

    • Under stanchion plates and machinery (static loads only)
    • Grouting bearings, precast units, floors etc
    • Fixing anchor bolts, ballustrades, crash barriers, starter bars
    • Underpinning
    • Void filling
    £24.12(incl. VAT)
    £20.10(ex. VAT)
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    Webercem Advanced Precision Grout is a premixed cementitious grout developed for applications where an economical grout with good flow and strength is required. Based on specially selected Portland cements, graded aggregates and admixtures.

    This product is designed primarily as a flowing grout but can also be used at a trowellable or dry pack consistency.

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    Features & Benefits

    • Volume expansion when unrestrained is greater than 1.0%
    • Precision grout suitable for use over a range of temperatures and site conditions
    • Can be pumped, poured, trowelled or dry packed
    • Thermal expansion similar to that of good quality concrete
    • Good flow properties
    • Can be applied in thicknesses from 10mm to 100mm
    • Does not significantly lose workability during pot life
    • Complies with BS EN 1504-3 and 6


    All surfaces should be clean and sound. Concrete surfaces must be free from any contamination including oil, grease, laitance and dust – and for maximum bond, the surface should be roughened and pre-soaked with clean water.

    Immediately prior to grouting, remove free water including that in bolt holes or recesses.

    Metal surfaces must be free from rust, scale, oil or grease but removable metal shims should be lightly oiled.

    Ensure bolt holes are free of dust, water or any loose material. Formwork should be well sealed to prevent leakage.


    This grout needs only to be mixed with sufficient water to give the consistency required. Mixing should be carried out in a proprietary grout mixer or in a bucket (where the height is at least 1 1 /₂ times its diameter) by using a medium speed drill (650 rpm) with an MR4- type helical attachment.

    When using the maximum water to obtain a pourable grout, pour about 2 litres of water into a suitable bucket, then add half the powder and mix to a thick paste consistency, ensuring any lumps are broken down by the shearing action. Continue mixing, adding more powder and some more water gradually into the vortex.

    After adding all the powder and having produced a mix of uniform creamy consistency, add the rest of the water slowly into the vortex to obtain the pourable grout. Do not mix the grout for more than 5 minutes.

    Avoid entraining excessive quantities of air during mixing by keeping the mixing head below the grout level at all times.

    To obtain the consistency required, add water as follows:

    • Dry Pack - Approx. 2.25L per 25KG bag
    • Trowellable - Approx. 3.5L per 25KG bag
    • Pourable - Approx. 5L per 25KG bag

    Application & Curing

    When pouring, the area to be grouted should be shuttered and a header box used to maintain a grout head of 150 – 200mm during the pour. Machine mixing is recommended to achieve continuous pouring. For large applications, Webercem Advanced Precision Grout should be placed by pump and has been formulated to give a 35 minute working time. It does not contain metal particles; wear and tear on equipment is similar to conventional sand/ cement mixes.

    Mixing and placement can be carried out between +5°C and +40°C. In service, Webercem Advanced Precision Grout will perform similarly to other cementitious mixes based on Portland cement in the temperature range of -20°C to +150°C.

    Continuous grout flow is essential and sufficient grout and water should be available to be mixed to ensure there is no discontinuity of the flow.

    Where the thickness of grout is greater than 100mm, use Webercem Advanced Repair Concrete.

    The grout around the edges of baseplates must be finished flush with the sides by cutting the grout while still green after stripping formwork. Cracking due to expansion may result in such areas where there is no restraint.


    Webercem Advanced Precision Grout is based on Portland cement and good concreting practice with regards to placing and curing especially under winter conditions must be observed.

    Do not add water above the recommended stated dosages.

    Use only clean (potable) water. Avoid leaving unconfined areas of grout proud around bearings etc.

    Technical Data

    EN1504All tests carried out at max. water addition of 5 litres at 20°C unless otherwise stated
    Performance characteristicMethodRequirementResultPass/Fail
    Compressive strengthEN 12190≥45 MPa57.6 MPaPass
    Chloride ion contentEN 1015-17≤0.05 %<0.01%Pass
    Adhesive bondEN 1542≥2.0 MPa2.7 MPaPass
    Carbonation resistanceEN 13295dk ≤ control concrete (1.3)dk ≤ control concretePass
    Elastic modulusEN 13412≥20 GPa20.2 GPaPass
    Thermal compatibility Part 1 Freeze-thawEN 13687-1Bond strength after 50 cycles ≥2.0 MPa2.6 MPaPass
    Capillary absorptionEN 13057≤0.5 kgm-2h-0.50.32 kgm-2h-0.5Pass
    Reaction to fireEN 13501-1Declared classClass A1
    Coefficient of thermal expansionEN 1770Declared value12.1*10-6
    Pull-outEN 1881: 2006Displacement ≤ 0.6mm at 75 kN≤ 0.6mmPass


    DTp Specification c2600, Clause 2601.4All tests carried out at max. water addition of 5 litres at 20°C unless otherwise stated
    Performance characteristicMethodRequirementResultPass/Fail
    Flow cone at 5°CASTM C939-02Efflux time of repeat to be within ±5% of each other & record average recorded32 secondsPass
    Flow cone at 20°C31 seconds
    Flow between glass plates at 5°CHCD drawing no.K2Mortar should rise ≥10mm above the underside of the top plate at all positions, without signs of segregation, bleeding, effervescence or air inclusionsSatisfiedPass
    Flow between glass plates at 20°C
    28 day compressive strength at 20°CEN 12190≥50.0 MPa58.0 MPaPass
    Expansion testASTM C827-01a≥0.25 ≤2.5%2.10%Pass
    Elastic stability≤1.0%0.84%Pass


    ASTM C 1107-17All tests carried out at max. water addition of 5 litres at 23°C unless otherwise stated
    Performance characteristicMethodRequirementResultPass/Fail
    Change in height at early ages of cylindrical specimens of cementitious mixturesASTM C827-16≥0.0 - ≤4%2.11%Pass
    Changes in height of cylindrical specimens of hydraulic-cement groutASTM C1090-15≥0.0 - ≤+0.3%0.03%Pass
    1 day compressive strength of hydraulic cement mortars (using 50mm cube specimens)ASTM C109-20a7.0 MPa30.47 MPaPass
    3 day compressive strength of hydraulic cement mortars (using 50mm cube specimens)ASTM C109-20a17.0 MPa47.85 MPaPass
    7 day compressive strength of hydraulic cement mortars (using 50mm cube specimens)ASTM C109-20a24.0 MPa51.43 MPaPass
    28 day compressive strength of hydraulic cement mortars (using 50mm cube specimens)ASTM C109-20a34.0 MPa57.64 MPaPass


    Additional test dataAll tests carried out at max. water addition of 5 litres at 20°C unless otherwise stated
    Performance characteristicMethodResult
    Tensile strength of hardened mortarBS 6319-74.7 MPa
    14 day drying shrinkageBS 1920-80.035%
    21 day drying shrinkage0.050%
    28 day drying shrinkage0.055%


    Indicative strength gainAll tests carried out at max. water addition of 5 litres in laboratory conditions
    Temperature24 hours3 Days7 Days28 Days
    Compressive strength @ 5°C2.80 MPa25.33 MPa44.95 MPa60.92 MPa
    Compressive strength @ 10°C6.90 MPa35.75 MPa48.47 MPa56.63 MPa
    Compressive strength @ 20°C28.15 MPa40.53 MPa48.10 MPa60.25 MPa
    Product Details

    Data sheet

    For Use By
    Consumer Use
    Interior / Exterior Use
    Interior & Exterior
    For Use On
    Application Method
    Dry Pack
    Single, Two or Three Pack
    Pack Size
    14L per 25KG bag
    Max. Application Temperature
    Min. Application Temperature
    Min. Application Temperature
    Shelf Life (from date of manufacture)
    12 months (@ +5°C)
    Shelf Life (from date of manufacture)
    12 months
    UN Number
    Suitable For Use On
    Suitable For Use On
    Application Method
    Application Method
    Application Method
    Product Usage Type

    Customer agrees that before placing an Order, Customer has read and understood the most up to date Product Data Sheet for the Product. Where we have access to the Product Data Sheet from the manufacturer, we will either provide a copy on request, or include a link to the Product Data Sheet available on the manufacturer’s website. Customer further agrees that we have no liability for any errors or omissions contained within the Product Data Sheets. For more information, please see our Terms & Conditions of Sale.


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    Weber Webercem Advanced Precision Grout is only available with the shipping and delivery timescales listed below - please do not contact our Customer Support Team with enquiries about alternative or earlier shipping and delivery times.

    Saturdays and Sundays, as well as Bank Holidays, are not classed as working days.

    Orders placed after the cut-off for this product will not be processed for earliest dispatch until 9am the next working day.

    All delivery costs below are excluding VAT

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