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    Webercem Advanced Repair Concrete | Rawlins Paints

    Weber Webercem Advanced Repair Concrete


    Webercem Advanced Repair Concrete is a flowing recasting repair concrete, ideal for structural elements where reinforcement is congested. Rapid strength development reduces repair time possession. Complies with BS EN 1504-3 as an R4 repair mortar.

    Uses include:

    • Replacement of concrete to beams and crossheads
    • Repair of car parks and buildings
    • Coastal structural repairs and seawall reconstruction
    • Repairing concrete columns, beams, walls and soffits
    • For use under baseplates where thick sections are required to be grouted: 75 to 500mm
    £21.92(incl. VAT)
    £18.27(ex. VAT)
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    Webercem Advanced Repair Concrete is a pre-blended cementitious repair concrete which complies with the National Highways Specification for Highway Works white book Series 5700 Structural Concrete.

    Conformity testing to BS EN 1504-3 has confirmed that webercem advanced repair concrete meets the requirements for a Class R4 repair product.

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    Features & Benefits

    • Permanent structural repair concrete
    • Contains non-reactive aggregates and a low soluble alkali cement content
    • The repair concrete can be applied to a range of thicknesses, minimum 25mm
    • Rapid strength development 35MPa in 3 days thus reducing repair possession times
    • Dimensionally stable, forms an integral bond to existing concrete and restores structural integrity with proven durability
    • Economical repair
    • Self-compacting with no vibrating poker required
    • Variable application thickness providing flexibility of use
    • Free-flowing recasting repair concrete allowing formation of intricate falsework
    • Ideally suited in structural elements where reinforcement is congested
    • Shrinkage-compensated to avoid shrinkage cracks and enhance durability
    • Class R4 repair product meeting the requirements of BS EN 1504-3


    The concrete substrate shall be adequately prepared by suitable methods to remove all defective concrete or suspect concrete by high-pressure water cutting or by mechanical means, i.e breakers, scabbling, grit blasting, etc.

    The perimeter of the prepared area shall be well defined by a saw cut, avoid feather edging of the repair concrete.

    All concrete shall be removed to give a minimum clear dimension of 20mm to all exposed rebar reinforcement. The extent of the concrete removal shall be agreed with the contract supervisor or engineer.

    Steel reinforcement should be prepared in accordance with BS EN 1504-10. Degrease with suitable solvent where appropriate immediately prior to pouring.

    No priming of the reinforcement is required; Webercem Advanced Repair Concrete forms a good cementitious bond to the clean exposed reinforcement. Do not use primers with this product.

    Old concrete surfaces contaminated with oil or grease will require cleaning, care must be taken to ensure all contamination and any coating is removed prior to application of concrete.

    Grout-tight formwork is essential. Use a light uniform application of release agent and good quality sealed ply formwork. The formwork shall be adequately supported and fixed to resist fluid concrete pressures.

    The parent concrete shall be thoroughly saturated with potable water prior to the application of the repair concrete. This may be achieved by filling the formwork with water, usually for 2 hours, then draining off the water and removal of all surplus water.


    Use only freshly opened bags of Webercem Advanced Repair Concrete and a clean forced action mixer of suitable volume, i.e Daines Mixal mixer, Cretangle pan mixer or a Putzmeister P13 mixer and pump.

    Charge the mixer with 3.1 – 3.3 litres of water per 25kg bag, followed by a gradual addition of repair concrete. For optimum flow use 3.3 litres of water. Mix for 3 minutes. Mix only full bags, do not mix part bags.

    • Note: Do not exceed maximum water addition of 3.3 litres water per 25kg bag

    Application & Curing

    The mixed concrete shall be used within 30 minutes of mixing and kept agitated prior to use.

    The mixed concrete can be placed either by gravity pouring or by pumping through hoses at least 50mm diameter. Care shall be exercised to avoid air entrapment during placing. No vibration is needed to compact the repair concrete but the formwork should be tapped with a mallet to release minor air bubbles on the surface of the formwork.

    Immediately after finishing, the exposed surfaces of the concrete should be cured with wet hessian, polythene or frost blankets for at least 48 hours to prevent rapid loss of water.

    The concrete should then be cured with a high efficiency sprayed-on curing membrane for at least 14 days.

    This membrane must be removed if it is to be overcoated, alternatively use wet hessian and tightly fitting polythene sheeting to cure the concrete.

    Protect from wind, rain and frost.

    Setting Time:

    Setting time at 20°C is approximately 300 minutes.

    Winter Working:

    Webercem Advanced Repair Concrete can be used down to 5°C provided cold weather working precautions are carried out. At low temperatures the strength development gain of repair concrete is greatly reduced.

    Technical Data

    EN1504All tests carried out at max. water addition of 5 litres at 20°C unless otherwise stated
    Performance characteristicMethodRequirementResultPass/Fail
    Compressive strengthEN 12190≥45 MPa62.3 MPaPass
    Chloride ion contentEN 1015-17≤0.05 %<0.01%Pass
    Adhesive bondEN 1542≥2.0 MPa3.3 MPaPass
    Carbonation resistanceEN 13295dk ≤ control concrete (1.3)dk ≤ control concretePass
    Elastic modulusEN 13412≥20 GPa23.0 GPaPass
    Thermal compatibility Part 1 Freeze-thawEN 13687-1Bond strength after 50 cycles ≥2.0 MPa3.0 MPaPass
    Capillary absorptionEN 13057≤0.5 kgm-2h-0.50.1 kgm-2h-0.5Pass
    Reaction to fireEN 13501-1Declared classClass A1
    Coefficient of thermal expansionEN 1770Declared value13.6*10-6


    Additional Test DataAll tests carried out at max. water addition at 20°C unless otherwise stated
    Performance characteristicMethodRequirementResultPass/Fail
    Flow in a trough at 5°C : immediately after mixingSpecification Clause 1770 AR Class 29FFlow 750mm in 30 seconds6.0 secondsPass
    Flow in a trough at 5°C : 30 minutes after mixing7.2 seconds
    Flow in a trough at 20°C : immediately after mixing6.5 seconds
    Flow in a trough at 20°C : 30 minutes after mixing7.7 seconds
    10 day compressive strength at 5°CEN 12190≥29.0 MPa44.5 MPaPass
    3 day compressive strength at 20°CEN 12190≥29.0 MPa47.0 MPaPass
    7 day compressive strength at 20°CEN 12190≥60.0 MPa58.0 MPaPass
    Air contentBS 1881 1: pt 106≤7.0%1.87%Pass
    Cement contentBS 4551≥400 Kg/m3720 Kg/m3Pass


    These results were obtained under laboratory conditions. Batch to batch results may fluctuate due to common cause variation.

    Additional test dataAll tests carried out at max. water addition at 20°C unless otherwise stated
    Performance characteristicMethodResult
    14 day drying shrinkageBS 1920-80.025%
    21 day drying shrinkage0.040%
    28 day drying shrinkage0.050%


    Indicative strength gainAll tests carried out at max. water addition at 20°C unless otherwise stated
    Temperature24 hours3 Days7 Days28 Days
    Compressive strength @ 5°C0 MPa20.00 MPa46.95 MPa59.47 MPa
    Compressive strength @ 10°C10.50 MPa27.63 MPa56.33 MPa62.13 MPa
    Compressive strength @ 20°C16.70 MPa34.58 MPa59.00 MPa64.75 MPa
    Product Details

    Data sheet

    For Use By
    Consumer Use
    Interior / Exterior Use
    Interior & Exterior
    For Use On
    Application Method
    Single, Two or Three Pack
    Pack Size
    Minimum Applied Thickness
    78 bags per m³
    Max. Application Temperature
    Min. Application Temperature
    Min. Application Temperature
    Shelf Life (from date of manufacture)
    12 months (@ +5°C)
    Shelf Life (from date of manufacture)
    12 months
    UN Number
    Suitable For Use On
    Application Method
    Application Method
    Concrete Repair
    Product Usage Type
    Repair Concrete
    Setting Time
    300 minutes
    12.75L per 25KG

    Customer agrees that before placing an Order, Customer has read and understood the most up to date Product Data Sheet for the Product. Where we have access to the Product Data Sheet from the manufacturer, we will either provide a copy on request, or include a link to the Product Data Sheet available on the manufacturer’s website. Customer further agrees that we have no liability for any errors or omissions contained within the Product Data Sheets. For more information, please see our Terms & Conditions of Sale.


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    Weber Webercem Advanced Repair Concrete is only available with the shipping and delivery timescales listed below - please do not contact our Customer Support Team with enquiries about alternative or earlier shipping and delivery times.

    Saturdays and Sundays, as well as Bank Holidays, are not classed as working days.

    Orders placed after the cut-off for this product will not be processed for earliest dispatch until 9am the next working day.

    All delivery costs below are excluding VAT