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    International Intertuf 262 | Marine Paints

    International Intertuf 262

    KHA302 KHA303

    International Intertuf 262 is a surface tolerant, two pack epoxy primer.

    • As an epoxy anticorrosive coating for use from keel to rail
    • Suitable for use with controlled cathodic protection
    • For use at newbuilding, maintenance & repair or on board maintenance
    • Certified for:
      • Food Contact - Carriage of Grain (NOHH)
      • Fire Resistance - Surface Spread of Flame (Exova Warringtonfire)
      • Fire Resistance - Smoke & Toxicity (Exova Warringtonfire)
      • Fire Resistance - Marine Equipment Directive compliant
    £421.02(incl. VAT)
    £350.85(ex. VAT)
    Please choose your colour
    Available for Delivery (See Delivery Options Below)

    questions 1question about the product

    International Intertuf 262 is a surface tolerant, two pack epoxy primer suitable for use with controlled cathodic protection, for newbuilding, maintenance & repair or on board maintenance.

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    Features & Benefits

    • As an epoxy anticorrosive coating for use from keel to rail
    • Suitable for use with controlled cathodic protection
    • For use at newbuilding, maintenance & repair or on board maintenance
    • Certified for:
      • Food Contact - Carriage of Grain (NOHH)
      • Fire Resistance - Surface Spread of Flame (Exova Warringtonfire)
      • Fire Resistance - Smoke & Toxicity (Exova Warringtonfire)
      • Fire Resistance - Marine Equipment Directive compliant

    Product Information


    • KHA303-Red


    • Matt

    Part B (Curing Agent

    • KHA062

    Volume Solids

    • 73% ±2% (ISO 3233:1998)

    Mix Ratio

    • 4.00 volume(s) Part A to 1 volume(s) Part B

    Typical Film Thickness

    • 125 microns dry (171 microns wet)

    Theoretical Coverage

    • 5.84 m²/litre at 125 microns dft, allow appropriate loss factors

    Method of Application

    • Airless spray, brush, roller

    Flash Point (Typical)

    • Part A 28°C
    • Part B 34°C
    • Mixed 29°C

    Shelf Life

    • 12 months at 25°C. Subject to re-inspection thereafter. Store in dry, shaded conditions away from sources of heat and ignition

    Drying Information

    Touch Dry [ISO 9117/3:2010]9 hours7 hours4 hours3 hours
    Hard Dry [ISO 9117-1:2009]47 hours39 hours9 hours5 hours
    Pot Life8 hours7 hours4 hours2 hours

    Overcoating Data

    See limitations - click to jump to section

    Substrate Temperature
    Overcoated ByMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMax
    Interbond 20124 hours28 days18 hours28 days8 hours28 days4 hours15 days
    Interbond 50124 hours21 days18 hours21 days6 hours21 days4 hours21 days
    Intergard 26324 hours21 days16 hours21 days6 hours21 days4 hours21 days
    Intergard 28224 hours14 days16 hours14 days6 hours14 days4 hours14 days
    Intergard 74024 hours28 days18 hours20 days6 hours14 days4 hours7 days
    Intertuf 26224 hours28 days18 hours28 days6 hours28 days4 hours15 days

    Regulatory Data


    • 279 g/lt as supplied (EPA Method 24)
    • 229 g/kg of liquid paint as supplied. EU Solvent Emissions Directive (Council Directive 1999/13/EC)
    • 243 g/lt Chinese National Standard GB23985

    Note: VOC values are typical and are provided for guidance purposes only. These may be subject to variation depending on factors such as differences in colour and normal manufacturing tolerances.


    When used as part of an approved scheme, this material has the following certification:

    • Food Contact - Carriage of Grain (NOHH)
    • Fire Resistance - Surface Spread of Flame (Exova Warringtonfire)
    • Fire Resistance - Smoke & Toxicity (Exova Warringtonfire)
    • Fire Resistance - Marine Equipment Directive compliant

    Systems Compatibility

    Consult our technical team on 0113 2455450 (option 2) or send a message to [email protected] for the system best suited for the surfaces to be protected.

    Surface Preparations

    • Use in accordance with the standard Worldwide Marine Specifications.
    • All surfaces to be coated should be clean, dry and free from contamination.
    • High pressure fresh water wash or fresh water wash, as appropriate, and remove all oil or grease, soluble contaminants and other foreign matter in accordance with SSPC-SP1 solvent cleaning.
    • Intertuf 262 can be applied over Intergard 269, when used as a holding primer to protect the blast. The primer surface should be dry and free from all contamination and Intertuf 262 must be applied within the overcoating interval specified (consult the Intergard 269 product data sheet)


    • Where necessary, remove weld spatter and smooth weld seams and sharp edges
    • Welds and damaged areas should be blast cleaned to Sa2½ (ISO 8501-1:2007).
    • For PVB and unapproved shop primers, the surface should be blast cleaned to Sa2½ (ISO 8501-1:2007) or power tooled to Pt3 (JSRA SPSS:1984)
    • Intact zinc silicate shop primers should be prepared by sweep blasting to International Paint standard AS2 or by power tooling to Pt3 (JSRA SPSS:1984).
    • For iron oxide epoxy shop primers, ensure the intact primer is clean and dry.

    Major Refurbishment:

    Underwater Hull/Boottop/Topsides

    • Abrasive blast clean to Sa2 (ISO 8501-1:2007). If oxidation has occurred between blasting and application of Intertuf 262, the surface should be reblasted to the specified visual standard
    • Surface defects revealed by the blast cleaning process, should be ground, filled, or treated in the appropriate manner
    • Intertuf 262 may be applied to surfaces prepared to International Paint Hydroblasting Standard HB2 which have flash rusted to no worse than HB2M. Hydroblasting is only recommended for underwater hull, above water and topside areas
    • Intertuf 262 may be applied to surfaces prepared to International Paint Slurry Blasting Standard SB2 where flash rust is no worse than SB2M. Slurry blasting is only recommended for underwater hull, above water and topside areas. Intertuf 262 may be applied using a wash/blast/wash surface preparation method:
    • - High pressure (minimum 3000 psi) fresh water wash
    • - Abrasive blast clean to Sa2 (ISO 8501-1:2007)
    • - Carry out a second high pressure (minimum 3000 psi) fresh water wash
    • - Residual salt level must be below 10µg/cm²
    • - Visual standard of flash rusting must correspond to no worse than HB2M


    Consult our technical team on 0113 2455450 (option 2) or send a message to [email protected] for specific recommendations.



    • Material is supplied in two containers as a unit. Always mix a complete unit in the proportions supplied. Once the unit has been mixed it must be used within the working pot life specified
    • (1) Agitate part A with a power agitator
    • (2) Combine entire contents of curing agent (Part B) with Base (Part A) and mix thoroughly with power agitator.


    • International GTA220
    • Thinning is not normally required
    • Consult the local representative for advice during application in extreme conditions
    • Do not thin more than allowed by local environmental legislation.

    Airless Spray

    • Recommended
    • Tip Range 0.53-0.84 mm (21-33 thou)
    • Total output fluid pressure at spray tip not less than 176 kg/cm² (2500 p.s.i.)

    Conventional Spray

    • Application by conventional spray is not recommended


    • Application by brush is recommended for small areas only. Multiple coats may be required to achieve specified film thickness.



    Work Stoppages and Cleanup

    • Do not allow material to remain in hoses, gun or spray equipment. Thoroughly flush all equipment with International GTA220/GTA822. Once units of paint have been mixed they should not be resealed and it is advised that after prolonged stoppages work recommences with freshly mixed units
    • Clean all equipment immediately after use with International GTA220/GTA822. It is good working practice to periodically flush out spray equipment during the course of the working day. Frequency of cleaning will depend upon amount sprayed, temperature and elapsed time, including any delays. Do not exceed pot life limitations. All surplus materials and empty containers should be disposed of in accordance with appropriate regional regulations/legislation.



    • In the event welding or flame cutting is performed on metal coated with this product, dust and fumes will be emitted which will require the use of appropriate personal protective equipment and adequate local exhaust ventilation.


    All work involving the application and use of this product should be performed in compliance with all relevant national Health, Safety & Environmental standards and regulations.

    Prior to use, obtain, consult and follow the Material Safety Data Sheet for this product concerning health and safety information. Read and follow all precautionary notices on the Material Safety Data Sheet and container labels. If you do not fully understand these warnings and instructions or if you can not strictly comply with them, do not use this product.

    Proper ventilation and protective measures must be provided during application and drying to keep solvent vapour concentrations within safe limits and to protect against toxic or oxygen deficient hazards. Take precautions to avoid skin and eye contact (ie. gloves, goggles, face masks, barrier creams etc.) Actual safety measures are dependant on application methods and work environment.


    A system of Intertuf 262 followed by Intergard 263 may be used for the spot repair or upgrade of the following substrates:

    • Spot Repair (Suitable Substrates): - Epoxy, Coal Tar Epoxy, Chlorinated Rubber, Vinyl Tar, Tar-free Viny
    • Substrates not suitable for repair : - Bituminous
    • Upgrade (Suitable Substrates): - Epoxy, Coal Tar Epoxy, Chlorinated Rubber
    • Substrates not suitable for upgrading:- Vinyl Tar, Tar-free Vinyl, Bituminous
    • Feathered overlap areas must be kept to a minimum

    Overcoating information is given for guidance only and is subject to regional variation depending upon local climate and environmental conditions.

    Apply in good weather.

    Temperature of the surface to be coated must be at least 3°C above the dew point. For optimum application properties bring the material to 21-27°C, unless specifically instructed otherwise, prior to mixing and application.

    Unmixed material (in closed containers) should be maintained in protected storage in accordance with information given in the STORAGE Section of this data sheet

    Technical and application data herein is for the purpose of establishing a general guideline of the coating application procedures. Test performance results were obtained in a controlled laboratory environment and International Paint makes no claim that the exhibited published test results, or any other tests, accurately represent results found in all field environments.

    As application, environmental and design factors can vary significantly, due care should be exercised in the selection, verification of performance and use of the coating.


    Product Details

    Data sheet

    For Use By
    Professional Use
    For Use On
    Application Method
    Brush, Roller, Spray
    Standard / Ready Mixed
    Single, Two or Three Pack
    Pack Size
    Mixing Ratio
    4.00 volume(s) Part A to 1 volume(s) Part B
    5.84 m²/litre at 125 microns dft, allow appropriate loss factors
    Recommended Thinner/Cleaner
    Thinner: International GTA220 - Cleaner: International GTA220/GTA822
    Solids by Volume
    73% ±2% (ISO 3233:1998)
    Shelf Life (from date of manufacture)
    12 months at 25°C. Subject to re-inspection thereafter. Store in dry, shaded conditions away from sources of heat and ignition.
    Touch Dry
    9 hours (5°C) - 7 hours (15°C) - 4 hours (25°C ) - 3 hours (35°C)
    Recommended Dry Film Thickness
    125 microns dry
    Recommended Wet Film Thickness
    171 microns wet
    UN Number
    Pot Life
    8 hours (5°C) - 7 hours (15°C) - 4 hours (25°C ) - 2 hours (35°C)
    Hard Dry
    47 hours (5°C) - 39 hours (15°C ) - 9 hours (25°C) - 5 hours (35°C)
    Suitable For Use On
    Application Method
    Application Method
    Application Method
    Surface Tolerant
    Product Usage Type
    Product Range
    Colour Family
    Colour Family
    Product Attributes
    Surface Tolerant

    Customer agrees that before placing an Order, Customer has read and understood the most up to date Product Data Sheet for the Product. Where we have access to the Product Data Sheet from the manufacturer, we will either provide a copy on request, or include a link to the Product Data Sheet available on the manufacturer’s website. Customer further agrees that we have no liability for any errors or omissions contained within the Product Data Sheets. For more information, please see our Terms & Conditions of Sale.


    Question about the product

    * Required fields
    questions Val Buckley on 2022-07-16 20:16:01

    We have just had our narrow boat potable water tank cleaned and painted by a boat yard. After picking up the boat we were struck by the colour and strong smell of bitumen coming from the water from the tank. In consequence we felt unable to use the water from the tank. The boatyard when contacted said they used Intertuf 16 to paint the inside of the water tank. They say Intertuf 16 is certified to use to paint potable water tanks. Can you please let me know if so. and if we can safely use the water from the tank for drinking (after passing through our water purifier cassette) washing . cooking vegetables, washing up, cleaning teeth etc? Many thanks Val Buckley 07791363014

    Answer from Rawlins’ Technical Team:

    International Intertuf 16 is a single pack bitumen coating, this is not suitable for a potable drinking water tank.

    This form should only be used for bulk order pricing requests, colour match options on a tintable product, or large project quotes. Please do not use this form to simply get an email copy of the quoted price on Rawlins' website.

    If you are a business or company and are looking for trade credit, please apply here:


    International Intertuf 262 is only available with the shipping and delivery timescales listed below - please do not contact our Customer Support Team with enquiries about alternative or earlier shipping and delivery times.

    Saturdays and Sundays, as well as Bank Holidays, are not classed as working days.

    Orders placed after the cut-off for this product will not be processed for earliest dispatch until 9am the next working day.

    All delivery costs below are excluding VAT

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