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    Astroflame Intumescent PFP FR Acrylic Sealant
    Astroflame Intumescent PFP FR Acrylic Sealant
    Astroflame Intumescent PFP FR Acrylic Sealant

    Astroflame Intumescent PFP FR Acrylic Sealant


    Designed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke through joints and openings in fire rated walls and floors (including openings formed around building service penetrations); also maintains the acoustic design performance.

    • Suitable for most surfaces, included concrete, masonry, steel, gypsum, glass, plastics and most non-porous surfaces
    • Classified for fire sealing all types of construction and building service penetrations
    • 18 months storage time (under correct conditions)
    • 30 years working life
    • High end formula, certified worldwide
    • Classified for fire sealing all types of construction and building service penetrations
    • Very high sound insulation
    • Low emissions - environmentally and user friendly
    • Simple to apply with a smooth surface finish
    • Permanently flexible – will accommodate movement up to 12.5%
    • No priming necessary for application to most materials
    • Hardens quickly, tack free after 1 hour (the fire performance specification of the joint filler has been derived when the joint filler has been let to cure for a month)
    £3.06(incl. VAT)
    £2.55(ex. VAT)
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    Astroflame Intumescent PFP FR Acrylic Sealant, designed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke through joints and openings in fire rated walls and floors (including openings formed around building service penetrations); the Astro PFP FR Acrylic will also maintain the acoustic design performance.

    When subjected to atmospheric conditions, the sealant cures however, it will retain a degree of elasticity for joint movement. Under fire exposure, The Astro PFP FR Acrylic creates a robust fire seal by the formation of a durable intumescent char.

    The Astro PFP FR Acrylic can be used with a suitable filling material i.e. stone wool or Astro PFP FR backing material in order to secure correct width to depth ratio, and to reduce the shrinking of the sealant during curing. Minimum depth and maximum width of the joints are included in the installation instructions. Thermal activation takes place at approx. 180°C when the material will expand (intumesce) and prevent the passage of fire and smoke for periods up to and beyond 4 hours.

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    Features & Benefits

    • High end formula, certified worldwide
    • Classified for fire sealing all types of construction and building service penetrations
    • Very high sound insulation
    • Low emissions - environmentally and user friendly
    • Simple to apply with a smooth surface finish
    • Permanently flexible – will accommodate movement up to 12.5%
    • No priming necessary for application to most materials
    • Suitable for most surfaces, included concrete, masonry, steel, gypsum, glass, plastics and most non-porous surfaces
    • Hardens quickly, tack free after 1 hour (the fire performance specification of the joint filler has been derived when the joint filler has been let to cure for a month)
    • 18 months storage time (under correct conditions)
    • 30 years working life

    Emission Data (indoor air quality)

    Compound Emission rate after 3 days Emission rate after 4 weeks
    TVOC83 μg/m3< 5 μg/m3
    TSVOCn.d.< 5 μg/m3
    VOC w/o NIKn.d.< 5 μg/m3
    R Valuen.d.< 1
    Formaldehyde< 3 μg/m3n.d.
    Acetaldehyde< 3 μg/m3n.d.
    Sum for+ace< 0.002 ppmn.d.
    Carcinogenic< 1 μg/m3< 1 μg/m3
    n.d. or < means not detected


    PFP FR Acrylic complies with the requirements of GEV, and the results correspond to the EMICODE emission class EC 1 PLUS - the best possible environmental and indoor hygiene health protection mark*). Tested by Eurofins Product Testing, report number G12870B. *) Excludes the pure white version.

    Analysis of cPVC Pipes e.g. BlazeMaster

    Analysed using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy; examination of the sealant contact regions of the cPVC pipe after removal of the sealant showed no evidence of visible discolouration or changes at the pipe surface.

    PFP FR Acrylic has also been tested for chemical resistance of a sealant when applied to a cPVC pipe. The sealant does not affect cPVC pipes as the tests showed no difference between the control and exposed results at Yield.

    Tested by Intertek, report numbers IWTN/W000009628ARL001 and WTN/W000009628RLM001.

    Resistance to Fire – Linear Seals

    ConstructionSeal positionMinimum seal depthBacking materialMaximum seal widthFire resistance
    Flexible walls comprise gypsum, masonry, aerated concrete or concrete (≥ 75 mm thick)Both sides against steel partition head track12.5 mmNone necessary25 mmEI 45 (E 60)
    Both sides against steel partition side track12.5 mmNone necessary15 mmEI 45 (E 60)
    Flexible walls comprise gypsum, masonry, aerated concrete or concrete (≥ 100 mm thick)Both sides against steel partition head track12.5 mmNone necessary25 mmEI 90 (E 90)
    12.5 mmMineral stone wool minimum 12.5mm deep30 mmEI 120 (E 120)
    25.0 mmNone necessary30 mmEI 120 (E 120)
    Both sides against steel partition side track12.5 mmNone necessary15 mmEI 90 (E 90)
    Both sides in vertical seals12.5 mmMineral stone wool minimum 20mm deep30 mmEI 120 (E 120)
    Rigid walls comprise masonry, aerated concrete or concrete, within walls or between the head of walls and the soffit of floor slabs (≥ 150 mm thick)Single sided in horizontal seals25.0 mmMineral stone wool minimum 20mm deep30 mmEI 60 (E 240)
    10.0 mmMineral stone wool minimum 60mm deep50 mmEI 60 (E 240)
    25.0 mmProtecta Mineral Fibre BIO minimum 48mm deep30 mmEI 120 (E 240)
    Single sided in vertical seals10.0 mmMineral stone wool minimum 60mm deep50 mmEI 120 (E 120)
    Double sided in horizontal or vertical seals15.0 mmMineral stone wool minimum 20mm deep30 mmEI 240 (E 240)
    Rigid floors comprise aerated concrete or concrete within floors or between floors and walls (≥ 150 mm thick)Single sided soffit face25.0 mmProtecta Mineral Fibre BIO minimum 25mm deep100 mmEI 60 (E 120)
    Single sided top face25.0 mmProtecta Mineral Fibre BIO minimum 25mm deep100 mmEI 180 (E 180)
    10.0 mmMineral stone wool minimum 90mm deep100 mmEI 240 (E 240)
    Double sided top and soffit15.0 mmMineral stone wool minimum 25mm deep100 mmEI 120 (E 120)
    15.0 mmMineral stone wool with density ≥ 140kg/m3 minimum 25mm deep100 mmEI 180 (E 180)
    15.0 mmMineral stone wool minimum 25mm deep30 mmEI 240 (E 240)

    Sound Insulation

    DescriptionSound Reduction
    Single sided seal ≥12mm depthRw 62 dB
    Double sided seal ≥12mm depthRw >62 dB

    PFP FR Acrylic - tested at EXOVA BM Trada (UKAS accredited); according to EN ISO 10140-2:2010. Usage of any backing material is optional, due to the tests being conducted with sealant only.

    Pipe End Configurations

    When testing pipes, one can choose not to cap (or close) the pipe, or cap the pipe inside the furnace, or outside the furnace, or on both sides. The configuration chosen depends on the intended application of the pipe and/or the installation environment.

    The code defining if a pipe is capped is stated after the fire classification. For instance, EI 60 C/U which means the pipe was capped inside the furnace, and uncapped outside the furnace. The test configuration defines the approvals possible.

    Our engineering judgment based on EN 1366-3:2009 are:

    Intended use of pipePipe end condition4
    Rainwater pipe, plasticAt drainageU/U1
    Not at drainageC/C2
    Drainage or sewage pipe, plasticVentilated drainU/U1
    Unventilated drainU/C1
    Drain w/water trapU/C1
    Not at drainageC/C2
    Pipe in closed circuit (water, gas, air, electricity etc.)C/C2 3
    Flue gas recovery system pipe, plasticU/C1
    Pipe with open ends and ≥ 50cm length on both sides, plasticU/U2
    Pipe supported by suspension system, metalFire rated supportC/U1
    Non-fire ratedU/C1
    Waste disposal shaft pipe, metalU/C1

    1. Suggested in EN 1366-3:2009.
    2. Astroflame’s judgment based on tests.
    3. Metal pipes should have fire rated support.
    4. U/U classified fire seals cover C/U, U/C and C/C. C/U classified fire seals cover U/C and C/C. U/C classified fire seals cover C/C.

    Technical Data

    Technical Data
    ConditionReady for use, acrylic based filler
    Specific gravity1.56 - 1.60
    Flash pointNone
    Reaction to fireClass D-s1, d1
    Expansion in fire1 : 2-3
    Non-stickyMax. 75 minutes
    Film formingMax. 25 minutes
    Totally hardened3 to 5 days depending on thickness and temperature
    Flexibility12.5% according to ISO 11600
    DurabilityZ2 intended for use in internal conditions with humidity classes other than Z1, excluding temperatures below 0 °C
    BWR 3Use category IA1, S/W3
    Thermal conduct.0.845 W/mK (+/- 3%) @ 20mm depth
    Storage18 months stored in unopened cartridges. To be stored in temperatures between 10˚C and 30˚C
    Working life30 years
    Service temp.-20°C to 70°C
    Application temp.5°C to 30°C
    CompatibilitySuitable for use with most materials, but should not be used in direct contact with bituminous materials
    LimitationsShould not be used in permanently damp areas or in joints with high movement
    ClassificationCE-marked - Sealant for fire rated joints and penetrations class EI 240
    Standard coloursStandard white
    Colour codesWhite: RAL 9002


    1. Before installing Astro PFP FR Acrylic ensure that the surface of all service penetrations and surrounding construction is free from all loose contaminants, dust and grease.
    2. Where Astro PFP FR Acrylic is to be installed against surfaces that cannot tolerate direct contact; appropriate surface preparation should be made (contact Astroflame for guidance in these cases). For paints sensitive to sealing compounds, priming with a PVA primer is recommended.
    3. As Astro PFP FR Acrylic is water based, in cases where corrosion protection is a problem; some metals may require a barrier between the sealant and the metal surface prior to this installation.
    4. When installing the sealant in gypsum boards, the exposed edges of the board can be wetted with water, or Astro PFP FR Acrylic diluted with water to prime the surfaces helping adhesion and preventing excessive joint shrinkage.
    5. When installing Astro PFP FR Acrylic in hollow floor slabs or boards, fire seals specified as single sided should be installed from the soffit side of the floor assuming there is sufficient thickness of concrete below the void to follow the installation guide. Where this is not the case, tubular voids should be filled with stone wool normally the same thickness as the depth of the floor slab. Alternatively, simply fire seal on both sides.
    6. When installing any backing material, cut this slightly oversize and insert into the gap ensuring a tight friction fit. Ensure correct depth is achieved.
    7. Fill the gap or joint with Astro PFP FR Acrylic to the required depth. Refer to the drawings on following pages 2 to 21 for guidance on joint design/dimensions. If installation does not have to meet any specific fire specification, it is recommended that a width to depth ratio of 2:1 is utilized, with a minimum depth of 12mm of sealant.
    8. Apply the sealant generously to prevent air bubbles. Finish the bead with a moist spatula, pallet knife or brush.
    9. Astro PFP FR Acrylic can be over-painted with most emulsion or alkyd (gloss) paints.


    General Guide

    Minimum separations and limitations: Services (single) can be sealed as specified in the detailed drawings. Minimum separation between services and the edge of the seal within each aperture should be 10mm to allow for correct fitting of backing and seal depth. Minimum separation between apertures should be at least 30mm. For larger joint dimensions or apertures other than described in the detailed drawings, Astro PFP FR Board or Astro PFP EX Mortar should be used.


    Supporting constructions: Flexible walls must have a minimum thickness of 75 mm and comprise steel studs or timber studs*) lined on both faces with minimum 1 layer of 12.5 mm thick boards. Rigid walls must have a minimum thickness of 75 mm and comprise concrete, aerated concrete or masonry, with a minimum density of 650 kg/m3. Rigid floors must have a minimum thickness of 150 mm and comprise aerated concrete or concrete with a minimum density of 650 kg/m3. The supporting construction must be classified in accordance with EN 13501-2 for the required fire resistance period.

    *Timber studs: no part of the penetration seal may be closer than 100 mm to a stud, and minimum 100 mm of insulation of class A1 or A2 according to EN 13501-1 must be provided within the cavity between the penetration seal and the stud.

    Please refer to the downloadable technical data sheet for illustrations on installing Astroflame Intumescent PFP FR Acrylic Sealant in the following:

    Linear sealsPage 2
    Cables in floorsPage 3-4
    Steel pipes in floorsPage 4-5
    Copper pipes in floorsPage 6-7
    Alupex pipes in floorsPage 7-8
    Plastic pipes in floorsPage 8
    Plastic conduits in floorsPage 8-9
    Horizontal and Vertical Linear sealsPage 9
    Cables in masonry or concrete wallsPage 10
    Steel pipes in masonry or concrete wallsPage 10-11
    Copper pipes in masonry or concrete wallsPage 11-12
    Plastic pipes in masonry or concrete wallsPage 12
    Vertical and Horizontal Linear sealsPage 12-14
    Cables in drywalls, masonry or concrete wallsPage 15
    Steel pipes in drywalls, masonry or concrete wallsPage 15-17
    Copper pipes in drywalls, masonry or concrete wallsPage 17
    Alupex pipes in drywalls, masonry or concrete wallsPage 18
    Plastic pipes in drywalls, masonry or concrete wallsPage 18-20
    Plastic conduits in drywalls, masonry or concrete wallsPage 20-21

    For linear seals without services, please refer to the Technical Data Sheet on page 2.

    IMPORTANT FIRE PRODUCTS NOTICE: The information displayed on this website should be used as a guide ONLY and our Technical Department should be contacted to obtain a tailored specification and any advice necessary before you place an order for fire protection products. Fire protection products are non-returnable except in accordance with Condition 8 of the Terms and Conditions and should be applied only by an individual with the necessary expertise and experience. We will not be held liable for any resulting damage to property, human life or monetary costs incurred due to the incorrect specification you have prepared or use of fire protection products caused by your negligence, including your failure to have contacted us to obtain the relevant advice/specification.

    Product Details

    Data sheet

    For Use By
    Professional Use
    Water / Solvent Based
    For Use On
    Fire Resistant Joints
    Application Method
    Applicator Gun
    Pack Size
    310ml Cartridge
    Max. Application Temperature
    Min. Application Temperature
    Shelf Life (from date of manufacture)
    18 months
    UN Number
    Base Type
    Suitable For Use On
    Suitable For Use On
    Suitable For Use On
    Fire Resistant Joints
    Suitable For Use On
    Suitable For Use On
    Suitable For Use On
    Suitable For Use On
    Application Method
    Application Gun
    Fire Stopping
    Product Usage Type
    Acrylic Sealant
    Colour Family
    Fire Rating
    60 Minutes
    Fire Rating
    90 Minutes
    Fire Rating
    120 Minutes
    Fire Rating
    240 Minutes
    Fire Rating
    45 Minutes

    Customer agrees that before placing an Order, Customer has read and understood the most up to date Product Data Sheet for the Product. Where we have access to the Product Data Sheet from the manufacturer, we will either provide a copy on request, or include a link to the Product Data Sheet available on the manufacturer’s website. Customer further agrees that we have no liability for any errors or omissions contained within the Product Data Sheets. For more information, please see our Terms & Conditions of Sale.


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    Astroflame Intumescent PFP FR Acrylic Sealant is only available with the shipping and delivery timescales listed below - please do not contact our Customer Support Team with enquiries about alternative or earlier shipping and delivery times.

    Saturdays and Sundays, as well as Bank Holidays, are not classed as working days.

    Orders placed after the cut-off for this product will not be processed for earliest dispatch until 9am the next working day.

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