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    Sikagard 850 Clear | Anti Graffiti Coating
    Sikagard 850 Clear | Anti Graffiti Coating
    Sikagard 850 Clear | Anti Graffiti Coating
    Sikagard 850 Clear | Anti Graffiti Coating
    Sikagard 850 AG

    Sikagard 850 Clear


    Sikagard 850 Clear is a one-part ready to use, polyorganosiloxane based, permanent anti-graffiti and anti-fly poster semi-matt coating. For use on concrete, masonry, cementitious render and coated or uncoated wood. This product is part of the Sikagard Anti-Graffiti System - see System Information.

    • Ready to use - no dilution with solvent at job site
    • Permanent - graffiti can be typically removed more than 20 times without damaging the protection, or requiring a refresher coat, when using non-aggressive cleaning techniques
    • Poster prevention – fly poster does not bond onto protected substrate or can be easily removed, even after many cleaning cycles
    • Semi-matt aspect. Clear aspect when using the fairfaced concrete build-up
    • No chemical agents required for cleaning
    • Cleaning requires only cold-water pressure
    • Water vapour permeable - Low water absorption - Very low dirt pick-up
    • Complies with the requirements of EN 1504-2 as protective coating
    • Very good resistance against weathering and ageing - Good resistance to UV exposure
    • Applied by brush, roller or airless spray

    £238.43(incl. VAT)
    £198.69(ex. VAT)
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    Sikagard 850 Clear is a one-part ready to use, polyorganosiloxane based, permanent anti-graffiti and anti-fly poster semi-matt coating.


    As a permanent anti-graffiti and anti-fly poster coating on the following substrates:

    • Fair faced concrete, masonry, cementitious render
    • Coated concrete, masonry, cementitious render
    • Coated concrete, masonry, cementitious render previously treated with a hydrophobic impregnation
    • Coated or uncoated wood

    Suitable for:

    • Moisture control (Principle 2, method 2.3 of EN 1504-9)
    • Increasing the resistivity (Principle 8, method 8.3 of EN 1504-9)

    This product is part of the Sikagard Anti-graffiti System.

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    Features & Benefits

    • Ready to use - no dilution with solvent at job site
    • Permanent - graffiti can be typically removed more than 20 times without damaging the protection, or requiring a refresher coat, when using non-aggressive cleaning techniques
    • Poster prevention – fly poster does not bond onto protected substrate or can be easily removed, even after many cleaning cycles
    • Semi-matt aspect. Clear aspect when using the fairfaced concrete build-up
    • No chemical agents required for cleaning
    • Cleaning requires only cold-water pressure (80 to 100 bar) or cold-water low pressure washing and rubbing down with a clean cloth or scrubbing brush
    • Water vapour permeable - Low water absorption
    • Complies with the requirements of EN 1504-2 as protective coating
    • Very good resistance against weathering and ageing - Good resistance to UV exposure
    • Applied by brush, roller or airless spray
    • Very low dirt pick-up
    • Approvals/Standards include:
      • CE marking and Declaration of Performance (Ref. 31191591) based on EN 1504-2:2004 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures — Surface protection systems for concrete — Coating
      • Adhesion after thermal compatibility EN 13687- 1:2002 (100 cycles of freeze and thaw with de-icing salts) and EN 13687-2:2002 (10 cycles of thunder shower) - Applus Laboratories, Spain, Report Nber 21/32304762
      • Cleaning test as per SILKO procedure (v2:2019 § 4.2) and 20 cycles of cleaning - Applus Laboratories, Spain, Report Nber 21/32306190

    System Information

    System Structure

    System PartProduct
    Primer for uncoated mineral substratesSikagard 850 Primer
    Primer for coated mineral substrates or coated woodSikagard 850 Activator
    Top coatSikagard 850 Clear

    Please note: When applied to bare mineral surface, Sikagard 850 Clear may provide a wet look effect. To reduce/eliminate this effect, the following build-up is recommended:

    Sikagard 552W Aquaprimer + Sikagard 850 Activator + Sikagard 850 Clear


    Strictly follow installation procedures as defined in method statements, application manuals and working instructions which must always be adjusted to the actual site conditions.

    IMPORTANT: Existing coatings must be tested to confirm their compatibility with Sikagard 850 Activator and Sikagard 850 Clear



    Important notes:

    • On rough substrates, use a brush to apply primer and make sure the primer covers all the surface including voids
    • Allow the primer surface to dry and become tack-free before applying the top coat (~2–3 hours depending on weather conditions)
    • Allow Sika MonoTop mortars to cure for 3–5 days before applying primer

    Substrate (mineral) without existing coating or hydrophobic impregnation (including Sika MonoTop products):

    • Apply Sikagard 850 Primer evenly over the prepared substrate at the required consumption rate (refer to Product Data Sheet)
    • The primer must be continuous and pore free

    Substrate (mineral or wood) with existing coating / lasure:

    • Apply Sikagard 850 Activator evenly over the prepared substrate at the required consumption rate (refer to Product Data Sheet)
    • The primer must be continuous and pore free

    Substrate with hydrophobic impregnation:

    • Apply Sikagard 850 Primer evenly over the prepared substrate at the required consumption rate (refer to Product Data Sheet)
    • The primer must be continuous and pore free

    Wood (Uncoated)

    • No priming is required


    Top Coat

    Important notes:

    • If applied over a primer or activator, refer to appropriate drying time / waiting time to overcoating

    Application by brush or medium to long hair roller:

    • If required, mix the coloured pigment into the product until fully dispersed and a uniform colour is achieved
    • Apply the Product evenly over the surface
    • The coating must be continuous, pore free and to the required surface finish
    • Protect the freshly applied coating from heavy rain or rain showers until dry to prevent surface damage

    Application by airless spray:

    • Important -
      • Do not use aerosol car body type spraying equipment
      • Note: The airless spray may not give a smooth or acceptable finish
      • It may be necessary to back-roll the coating with a roller to ensure a suitable finish and film build-up

    Requirement: Airless spraying characteristics:

    • Pressure: 220 to 250 bars (3200 - 3600 psi)
    • Hose: ~10 mm (3/8")
    • Tip: 0.13° to 0.17°
    • Filter: 60 mesh

    • If required, mix the coloured pigment into the product until fully dispersed and a uniform colour is achieved
    • Spray apply the Product in a continuous operation and at a speed to achieve a consistent thickness
    • The coating must be continuous, pore free and to the required surface finish
    • Protect the freshly applied coating from heavy rain or rain showers until dry to prevent surface damage


    • Sikagard 850 Clear is intended for the use in industrial and commercial applications where personal protective equipment is required and mandatory
    • Do not use for aerosol-based applications. Sikagard®- 850 Clear applied using this application, disperses free aerosol vapour droplets in the air. Breathing in these droplets can cause extremely serious health risks to the user
    • When the container is opened, any remaining product inside the container that has been exposed to the air, will continue to cure and thicken resulting in surface skinning and increased viscosity. It is therefore advised to use up all the product once it is opened until the container is empty
    • The product can be used after a few days of opening the container, providing the skin layer is removed



    • Approximately 125 to 250g/m² for the top coat – generally 1 coat is sufficient on a suitably prepared, uniform and primed substrate

    Drying Time

    • Up to 24 hours at +20°C for thick film build-up
    • Full cure in 7 days

    Clean Up

    • Clean all tools and application equipment with white spirit immediately after use.
    • Hardened material can only be mechanically removed
    • Clean airless spray equipment at regular intervals to prevent hardened silicon particles blocking the spraying tip


    Graffiti Removal

    IMPORTANT - Do not use rotating nozzle on high-pressure cleaning equipment.

    As a general rule, always remove graffiti as soon as possible using either of the two options:

    • Cold-water high-pressure jetting / cleaning equipment (~80 bar / 1200 psi) from a distance of ~10 cm from the substrate
    • Cold-water low pressure washing and rubbing down with a suitable absorbent clean cloth or a soft scrubbing brush

    Poster removal

    • Posters applied with typical glues do not bond on substrates treated with Sikagard 850 Clear
    • Either they will fall down under their own weight, or they can be easily removed with minimal effort

    Health And Safety

    For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical products, users shall refer to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.


    Product Details

    Data sheet

    For Use By
    Professional Use
    Interior / Exterior Use
    Exterior Use
    Water / Solvent Based
    For Use On
    Application Method
    Pack Size
    Base Type
    Silicon/Solvent Based
    Fully Cured (at 20°C)
    7 Days
    125 to 250g/m²
    Recommended Thinner/Cleaner
    White Spirit
    Max. Application Temperature
    35 °C
    Min. Application Temperature
    8 °C
    ~0,92 g/cm³
    350 g/l
    Shelf Life (from date of manufacture)
    12 Months
    Touch Dry
    24 Hours
    Recommended Wet Film Thickness
    140 to 270 µm
    UN Number
    Base Type
    Suitable For Use On
    Suitable For Use On
    Suitable For Use On
    Suitable For Use On
    Application Method
    Application Method
    Application Method
    Permanent / Semi-Permanent
    Concrete Repair
    Product Usage Type
    Anti-Graffiti Coatings
    Product Range

    Customer agrees that before placing an Order, Customer has read and understood the most up to date Product Data Sheet for the Product. Where we have access to the Product Data Sheet from the manufacturer, we will either provide a copy on request, or include a link to the Product Data Sheet available on the manufacturer’s website. Customer further agrees that we have no liability for any errors or omissions contained within the Product Data Sheets. For more information, please see our Terms & Conditions of Sale.


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    This form should only be used for bulk order pricing requests, colour match options on a tintable product, or large project quotes. Please do not use this form to simply get an email copy of the quoted price on Rawlins' website.

    If you are a business or company and are looking for trade credit, please apply here:


    Sikagard 850 Clear is only available with the shipping and delivery timescales listed below - please do not contact our Customer Support Team with enquiries about alternative or earlier shipping and delivery times.

    Saturdays and Sundays, as well as Bank Holidays, are not classed as working days.

    Orders placed after the cut-off for this product will not be processed for earliest dispatch until 9am the next working day.

    All delivery costs below are excluding VAT

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