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Mapei MapeWrap C UNI-AX 300 | Structural Strengthening System

Mapei MapeWrap C UNI-AX 300


Structural strengthening System consisting of high-strength high-modulus unidirectional carbon fibre fabric and epoxy resins to impregnate and bond the fabric (FRP).

  • Repairs and static and seismic upgrading of unstable or weak structures where the shear and tensile strength need to be supplemented
  • Confining compressed and pre-stressed members (pillars, bridge piles, chimneys, etc.) to improve their load-bearing capacity or ductility
  • Restoration work and seismic upgrading of arched and vaulted structures without increasing their mass and without the risk of liquids percolating towards the inner face
  • Repairs to structures damaged by fire
  • Strengthening load-bearing members in buildings whose structural System has been modified due to new architectural requirements or change in use
  • Seismic upgrading of reinforced concrete industrial buildings
  • For professional use only

£169.57(incl. VAT)
£141.31(ex. VAT)
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Features & Benefits

Recommended for

  • Repairing and increasing the structural capacity of under-dimensioned or damaged elements and structures in reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and wood
  • To improve the flexural strength, shear strength, compressive confinement capacity and bending/compressive capacity of concrete and masonry elements and structures
  • To upgrade or improve the seismic capacity of structures in high-risk areas
  • To improve the characteristics of beam-pillar hinge points
  • To increase the ductility of confined elements
  • Unlike work carried out using conventional techniques, thanks to its extremely low weight, the Mapewrap C UNI-AX System may be installed by a smaller team of workers. The System may be applied extremely quickly and often without interrupting the use of the structure
  • Compared with the cladding technique with metal plates (beton plaquè), the Mapewrap C UNI-AX System may be modelled to suit any shape of element or structure requiring repair, it does not require temporary supports during application and there is no risk of corrosion to the strengthening System.

Technical Characteristics

The Mapewrap C UNI-AX System is the combined application of Mapewrap C UNI-AX 300 carbon fibre fabric, a System of epoxy binders which includes Mapewrap 31 epoxy resin to impregnate and bond the fabric, Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12 epoxy putty to level off surfaces and bond the fabric and Mapewrap Primer 1 epoxy primer recommended to consolidate the substrate.

The use of epoxy putty Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12 is recommended in particular to level surfaces with roughness equal to or greater than ± 2 mm. The application of epoxy putty is furthermore suggested to increase the adhesion and to facilitate the application of fabric with high weight (equal to or greater than 600 g/m²).

Mapewrap C UNI-AX 300 unidirectional (0°) fabrics available in various widths weighing 300 g/m². They are made from high-strength carbon fibre woven with thermoplastic glass fibre thread (which has no structural function) and are characterised by their high tensile strength and high modulus of elasticity.

Mapewrap 31 is a medium-viscosity epoxy adhesive used to impregnate Mapewrap fabrics and is made from:

  • Component A (resin)
  • Component B (catalyser)


Mapewrap 11 / Mapewrap 12 are epoxy putties with a thixotropic consistency used to level off surfaces and to form structural bonds and are made from:

  • Component A (resin)
  • Component B (catalyser)


Mapewrap Primer 1 is an epoxy primer used to prepare the surface of concrete, reinforced concrete and masonry elements and structures before bonding Mapewrap fabrics and is made from:

  • Component A
  • Component B


Mapewrap 31, Mapewrap 11 and Mapewrap 12 respond to the principles defined in EN 1504-9 (“Products and Systems for protecting and repairing concrete structures: definitions, requirements, quality control and conformity assessment. General principles for the use of products and Systems”), and the minimum requirements for EN 1504-4 (“Structural bonding”).

Substrate Preparation

Surfaces on which the Mapewrap C UNI-AX System is to be applied must be perfectly clean, dry and strong.

Masonry structures: before applying the fabric, remove all loose or crumbling areas or areas at risk of becoming detached and level off the surfaces with a layer of Planitop HDM MAXI.

Wooden structures: repair wooden elements and structures, where required, by applying suitable adhesives. Contact our technical team for advice.

Concrete structures in good condition: sandblast the surface to remove all traces of stripping compound, paint and cement laitance.

Damaged concrete structures: remove all damaged areas with a hammer, a jack-hammer or by hydro-scarifying. Remove all traces of rust from the steel reinforcement and protect the reinforcement by applying Mapefer 1K one-component anti-corrosion cementitious mortar.

Repair the surface of concrete with products from the Mapegrout range. Wait at least three weeks before applying the Mapewrap C UNI-AX System.

If structural strengthening work needs to be carried out immediately, use Adesilex PG1 to carry out repairs. Seal any cracks in the structure by injecting them with Epojet or with Foamjet T.

Refer to the relative Technical Data Sheet for details on how to apply the aforementioned products.

Round off all sharp edges and corners on concrete or masonry elements and structures which are to be strengthened with the Mapewrap C UNI-AX System (such as beams and pillars) with a jack-hammer or other suitable tools. It is recommended to round them off to a radius of at least 2 cm (in compliance with CNR-DT 200 R1/2013 guidelines).


Application phases

  1. Preparation of Mapewrap Primer 1
  2. Application of Mapewrap Primer 1
  3. Preparation of Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12
  4. Application of Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12
  5. Preparation of Mapewrap 31
  6. Application of the first coat of Mapewrap 31
  7. Application of Mapewrap C UNI-AX fabric


Preparation of Mapewrap Primer 1

The two components which make up Mapewrap Primer 1 must be mixed together. Pour component B into component A and mix with a drill at low- speed with a mixing attachment until the resin is completely blended. Mixing ratio: 3 parts in weight of component A with 1 part in weight of component B.

To avoid dosage errors, use the entire contents of the two components. If only partial quantities are required, use high- precision electronic scales to weigh out the components (this procedure must also be adopted for the other products). Once prepared, the workability time of Mapewrap Primer 1 is around 90 minutes at 23°C.


Application of Mapewrap Primer 1

Apply an even coat of Mapewrap Primer 1 with a brush or roller on the clean, dry surface of the concrete or masonry.

If the surface is particularly absorbent, apply a second coat of Mapewrap Primer 1 once the first coat has been completely absorbed.


Preparation of Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12

Choose whether to use Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12 according to the surrounding temperature and their workability times (the workability time of Mapewrap 12 is higher than Mapewrap 11).

Pour component B into component A and mix with a drill at low-speed with a mixing attachment to form an even grey paste. Mixing ratio for both products: 3 parts in weight of component A with 1 part in weight of component B. At 23°C Mapewrap 11 remains workable for approximately 35 minutes after mixing, while Mapewrap 12 remains workable for approximately 50 minutes.

Mapewrap 11 is particularly recommended if the surrounding temperature is between 5°C and 23°C, while Mapewrap 12 is recommended for higher temperatures.


Application of Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12

On concrete or masonry surfaces previously treated with Mapewrap Primer 1, and while it is still wet, apply a layer around 1 mm thick of Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12 with a notched spreader then smooth over the surface using a flat spreader to remove any imperfections on the surface. Using the same product, fill and round off the corners to form an edge with a radius of at least 2 cm.


Preparation of Mapewrap 31

Pour component B into component A and mix with a drill at low-speed with a mixing attachment to form an even yellow paste. Mixing ratio: 4 parts in weight of component A with 1 part in weight of component B. After mixing, the product remains workable for approximately 40 minutes at 23°C.


Application of the first coat of Mapewrap 31

Apply a first, even 0.5 mm thick coat of Mapewrap 31 on the Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12 while they are still wet with a brush or roller.


Application of Mapewrap C UNI-AX Fabric

Immediately lay the Mapewrap C UNI-AX fabric over the Mapewrap 31 while it is still wet, making sure it is applied by hand (wear protective rubber gloves), without any creases or folds and pass over the surface several times with a Mapewrap roller so that the adhesive completely penetrates into the fibres of the fabric.

Apply a second coat of Mapewrap 31 over the Mapewrap C UNI-AX fabric. Go over the surface of the impregnated fabric with a Mapewrap roller to remove any air bubbles trapped in the layers during the previous phases.

While the resin is still wet, broadcast the surface with 1.2 mm to 1.9 mm quartz sand.

(For further information on the technical characteristics of each resin product used for the Mapewrap C UNI-AX System refer to the relative Technical Data Sheet).


The overlap of the ends of the strips of Mapewrap C UNI-AX System fabric must by at least 20 cm. It is not necessary to overlap the strips width ways; in this case, make sure each strip is butted up to the adjalent strip.

After applying and pressing the fabric with the special roller, the Mapewrap C UNI-AX fabric must not be moved or adjusted.

“Wet” Application Procedure (within 24 hours) for additional layers of Mapewrap C UNI-AX Fabric

Application of the first coat of Mapewrap 31, application of the first layer of Mapewrap C UNI-AX and application of the second coat of Mapewrap 31. Application of the next layer of Mapewrap C UNI-AX and the next coat of Mapewrap 31, and so on for any other additional layers required.

To exploit the mechanical characteristics of Mapewrap C UNI-AX as much as possible, it is recommended to apply no more than three layers.

Note: if additional layers of fabric need to be applied after more than 24 hours, the surface of the hardened resin must be roughened up by sanding.

Finishing And Protecting The System

Once the resin products used in the System has hardened (approx. 1-2 days at 23°C), the surface may be finished off with a skim-coat of fine- textured cementitious compound such as Planitop 200 or Planitop 210 (refer to the relative Technical Data Sheet).

For external applications, protect the System once the resin products have Mapewrap C UNI-AX System Mapewrap C UNI-AX System completely hardened by applying a coat of MAPELASTIC two-component cementitious mortar. This product forms an efficient barrier against UV rays, which makes it particularly recommended for structures exposed to direct sunlight.

To protect the System from fire it may be dressed with panels, which are usually made from calcium-silicate, or with a layer of intumescent render, as specified in article of CNR DT 200 R1/2013.

Precautions To Be Taken During And After Application

  • The temperature during application must be at least 5°C (or at least 10°C if Mapewrap Primer 1 was been used) and the structure must be dry and protected from rain and dust carried by the wind
  • After completing the application operations, make sure the treated surfaces are kept at a temperature of at least 5°C (or at least 10°C if Mapewrap Primer 1 was been used)
  • Protect surfaces from rain for at least 24 hours if the temperature does not drop below 15°C and for at least 3 days if the temperature is lower


Epoxy Systems form an extremely strong bond and it is recommended to clean all work tools with solvent (such as ethanol, toluene, etc.) before the products harden.

System Specifications

Repairing and increasing the structural capacity of under-dimensioned or damaged elements and structures in reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and wood, improving the flexural strength, shear strength, compressive confinement capacity and bending/compressive capacity of concrete and masonry elements and structures, upgrading or improving the seismic capacity of structures in high-risk areas, improving the characteristics of beam-pillar hinge points and increasing the ductility of confined elements by applying a strengthening System (such as the Mapewrap C UNI-AX System by Mapei S.p.A.) comprising Mapewrap C UNI-AX high-strength, high-modulus carbon fibre fabric with high tensile strength using the following procedure:

  • Application of Mapewrap Primer 1
  • Levelling off the substrate with Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12
  • Impregnating the fabric with Mapewrap 31

There are various sizes of fabric available depending on the type of work to be carried out.

The System is applied according to Certificate of Technical Assessment (CVT) N° 206/2019 issued by the 2° Div. of the STC (Central Technical Service) of the CSLP (Ministry of Public Works) and must have the following characteristics:

Class according to Legislation DPCS (Prime Ministerial Decree) LL.PP. No. 220, 9.7.2015: 210C

Properties of Dry Fabric
Weight (g/m²): 300
Equivalent thickness of dry fabric (mm): 0.164
Resistant area per unit of width (mm²/m): 164.3
Tensile strength of impregnated fabric (N/mm²): ≥ 4,900
Maximum load per unit of width (kN/m): > 800
Tensile modulus of elasticity (N/mm²): 252,000 ± 2%
Elongation at failure (%): ≥ 2


Properties of the System
Modulus of elasticity of laminate (refers to net area of fibres) average for 3 layers Ef (MPa): ≥ 225,000 ≥ 230,000
Strength of laminate (refers to net area of fibres) typical value for 3 layers ffib,k (MPa): ≥ 3,400 ≥ 3,000
Deformation at failure εfib (%): 1.5 1.3
Adhesion to concrete (N/mm²): > 3 (failure of substrate)

Product Details

Data sheet

For Use By
Professional Use
For Use On
Suitable For Use On
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Product Usage Type
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